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About Social Service

Vision and Mission Statement of the Department of Social Services :


                  1 . 1 Vision :     

The disadvantaged , deprived , poor osamasyagrasta community welfare improved , the social security provide ebanksamatayanera the socio - economic development .


 1 . 2 missions :       

§ 015 of the country's total , 50 percent poor and disadvantaged populations , social security provided ; 

§ interest-free credit of the 015 in the country, about 50 percent of the poverty population, socio - economic ojibanayatrara standards development and poverty alleviation ; 

§ orphaned , neglected , poor and vulnerable children's rights protection , feeding , welfare , development , and rehabilitation ; 

§ social aparadhaprabanabyaktidera correction , development and rehabilitation ; 

§ helpless , destitute patients free treatment facilities provided ; 

§ disabled persons rights protection , feeding , welfare , development , and rehabilitation ; 

§ voluntary samajakalyanasansthasamuhake registration offer , their activities support provided and supervision ; 

§ social disabilities, women welfare , development and rehabilitation ; 

§ social evils prevention assistance provided and uddhuddhakarana , 

প্রদান Provide skill development training to professional social workers ; 

§ The victim, women's support and development . 


  1. Recipient of services of the Department of Social Services

     2 . 1 . Backward poor and low income people   

     2 . 2 . Poor , vulnerable and disadvantaged prabinabyakti   

     2 . 3 . Freedom fighter  

     2 . 4 . Fatherless , fatherless , neglected , distressed , endangered , parental careless and disabled child ;      

                2 . 5 . Social crime prone individuals ;  

     2 . 6 . Children exposed to the law ;  

     2 . 7 . Helpless , distressed patient ;  

     2 . 8 . Disabled persons ;  

     2 . 9 . Social anomie / trafficking of children and women ;    

                2 . 10 professional social workers :   

     2 . 11 voluntary social welfare organizations ;  

     2 . 12 government and non- government affiliated organizations .


3 . Social Welfare Department public the following services with the 

               3 . 1 . Earth - Social Development Services ( interest free loans )


3 . 1 . 1 Rural social service activities

3 . 1 . 2 Rural Maternal Center activities

3 . 1 . 3 Rehabilitation activities for acid burn women and the physically challenged

3 . 1 . 4 city social service activities

3 . 1 . 5 Shelter / housing activities



           3 . 2 . Social security services


3 . 2 . 1 . Old age allowance activities

3 . 2 . 2 . Indigent disability allowance activities

3 . 2 . 3 . Education stipend for students with disabilities

3 . 2 . 4 . The honorarium allowance

3 . 2 . 5 . She and her husband divorced two : miserable Women's allowance program


3 . 3 Protection , upbringing , welfare , development and rehabilitation of the rights of orphans , neglected , distressed and vulnerable children                 


3 . 3 . 1 Government of children in the family orphaned child rearing and rehabilitation   

3 . 3 . 2 Child rearing and rehabilitation in Chhota Maninibas     


           3 . 4 . Disabled persons rights protection , feeding , welfare , development and rehabilitation           


                 3 . 4 . 1 Issuance of Disability Certificate 

                  3 . 4 . 2 Integrated visually impaired education activities 

                  3 . 4 . 3 Management of hearing impaired schools  


3 . 5 Development and rehabilitation of vagrants and social criminals       


                     3 . 5 . 1 Implementation of Probation and After Care Program



3 . 6 helpless , destitute patients the right to the protection , welfare and rehabilitation   

                  3 . 6 . 1 hospital / medical social service activities


3 . 7 social evils prevention assistance

                  3 . 7 . 1 Training and rehabilitation of socially handicapped girls

                  3 . 7 . Two women and a child - girls safe hephajatidera housing ( Safe Home )


            3 . 8. Skills Development Training

3 . 8 . Management of 1 Regional Training Center

3 . 8 . Socio - economic and skills development training at district , upazila and city level


3 . 9 Registration and assistance to voluntary social welfare organizations        


3 . 9 . 1 Registration and supervision of voluntary social welfare organizations 

3 . 9 . The private orphanage capitation grant paid 

3 . 9 . 3 Assistance in providing grants to registered organizations through the Social Welfare Council 

3 . 9 . 4 sbecchasebisanstha / institutions of the connection with development activities conducted 

3 . 9 . 5 voluntary organization / institution agents with the Memorandum of Understanding 

3 . 9 . 6 advocacy , the International Day celebrations in the public awareness . 


3 . 10 Social Welfare Department of the payable services, reports :

Sr. No.



Service recipient

Deadline for receiving services

Serving authority








Earth - Social Development Services ( interest free loans )


Rural social service activities

¡ Rural areas and poor people to organize and develop the mainstream bringing ;

¡ Awareness increases , uddhuddhakarana and skill development of the training provided ;

¡ 5 thousand to 10 thousand rupees to the interest-free micro-credit provided ;

বৃদ্ধি Increase savings for target individuals to build their own capital .

The village a permanent resident , who : -

¡ Economic and social of the rural social welfare programs karmadalera member / member ;

¡ Interest-free micro-credit and other services available for the ' A ' and ' B ' class of the poorest people is the mathapichubarsika Family ayasarbocca 5 thousand rupees so far ;

¡ Interest free loan than other service availability for the ' C ' srenibhuktabyakti that the per capita annual family income of 5 thousand dollar above .

The prescribed form the proper procedure followed by the application of the following : -

¡ 1st time credit ( investment ) taking for the application , after 1 month in ;

¡ Nd / 3 rd level of debt ( reinvestment ) adoption of the order of application 0 days within .

1 the local social welfare office


Palli Matrikendra activities

সংগঠ Organizing poor women in rural areas and bringing them into the mainstream of development ;

সহায়তা Assistance in creating planned families ;

¡ National population program implementation ;

¡ Awareness increases , uddhuddhakarana and skills development ;

¡ 3 thousand to 5 thousand rupees to the interest-free micro-credit provided ;

গঠন Capital formation by increasing savings by organizing targeted women .

The village a permanent resident , who : -

¡ Economic and social survey by the Social Services Department of Rural matrkendrera members and

¡ Interest-free loans and other services available for the ' A ' and ' B ' srenibhuktadaridratama woman whose per capita annual family income of 5 thousand takaparyanta ;

¡ Interest free loan than other service availability for the ' C ' class woman whose per capita annual family income of 5 thousand dollar above .

The prescribed form the proper procedure followed by the application of the following : -

¡ 1st time credit ( investment ) taking for the abedarena after 1 month in ;

¡ Nd / 3 rd stage of the loan ( re- investment ) adoption of the order of application of the 0 days within .

Headquarters , South Surma , Gowainghat , Balaganj , Jaintiapur and Bianibazar upajelasamajaseba office 's jurisdiction in rural areas set up 124 more matrkendra .  

3 .

Rehabilitation activities for acid-burned women and the physically challenged

¡ 5 thousand to 15 thousand rupees micro loan

Esidagdha women and physically handicapped persons whose annual income 0 , 000 / - ( twenty thousand ) money down .

¡ 1st time credit ( investment ) taking for the application , after 1 month in ;

¡ Nd / 3 rd level of debt ( reinvestment ) adoption of the order of application of the 0 days in

¡ 1 the local Social Welfare Office ;

¡ 01 the City Social Welfare Office


City social service activities

য়ন Organizing poor people in urban areas and bringing them into the mainstream of development ;

¡ Awareness increases , motivational and skill development of the training provided ;

¡ 5 thousand to 10 thousand rupees to the micro-credit provided ;

গঠন Capital formation by increasing the own savings of the target persons .

Permanent resident of the designated mahalla , who : -

¡ Economic and social survey by the Social adhidaphatarare listed city social service programs karmadalera member ;

¡ Interest-free loans and other services available for the ' A ' and ' B ' srenibhuktadaridratama person whose mathapicu annual household income maximum of 10 hajarataka up ;

¡ Interest free loan than other service availability for the ' C ' class person whose per capita annual family income of 10 thousand rupees above .

¡ 1st time credit ( investment ) taking for the application , after 1 month in ;

¡ Nd / 3 rd level of debt ( reinvestment ) adoption of the order of application of the 0 days in

¡ Siletajela town 1 city social welfare office .


5 .

Shelter / accommodation activities

¡ Home ' project, residents of poor people to organize and develop the main stream of the ;

¡ Planned family building assistance provided ;

¡ Awareness increases , uddhuddhakarana and skill development of the training provided ;

বৃদ্ধ Increase member savings .

¡ Selected Home ' Center resident ;

¡ Returning Home Center Association members ;

The prescribed form the proper procedure followed by the application of the following : -

¡ 1st time credit ( investment ) taking for the abedarena after 1 month in ;

¡ Nd / 3 rd stage of the loan ( re- investment ) adoption of the order of application of the 0 days within .

Companiganj , Zakiganj and Bishwanath Upazila Social Service Offices .



Social security services

6 .

Old age allowance activities

¡ Government by the social security for the fixed rate bayaskabhatapradana. This for the elderly people per capita monthly 300 / - takahare allowance paid to getting .

¡ Country all city corporations , municipalities , and at 65 years or better, bayasihatadaridra female or male , whose annual average income of U- 3 , 000 / - ( Three thousand ) cash ;

¡ Physical way disabled and the performance of the older men and women of the highest priority given to ;

¡ Divorced , her husband abandoned , bipatanika , childless , the family of the isolated elderly men and women in the priority given to ;

¡ That the elderly person's proceeds fund the entire arthakhadya cover the cost hayaebam health , medical , housing and other sectors of the cost to order a arthaabasista is not ;

¡ Landless bayaskabyakti .

¡ Have received , subject to a maximum of 3 months of the new beneficiaries elections allowance distribution measures taken .

¡ Selected bhatabhogike baraddaprapti price every month to provide karatabe one lump-sum withdrawals can also he determined the end of the uttolanakarabena ;

¡ Bhatagrahitara namini beneficiaries died prior to the due amount and the death of the three masaparyanta allowances takauttolana to be .  

সকল All Upazila Social Service Offices in Sylhet District, City Social Service Offices in the case of Municipalities and City Corporation areas in Upazilas.      














7 .

She and her husband divorced two : miserable Women's allowance program


¡ Government by the social security for the fixed rate widow and sbamiparityakta two : miserable women bhatapradana. The order selected byaktiderajanaprati monthly 300 / - Rs rate allowances paid to the .  

¡ The All district widow and her husband divorced two : miserable woman whose annual average income of U- 3 , 000 / - ( Three thousand ) cash ;  


¡ Have received , subject to a maximum of 3 months of the new beneficiaries elections allowance distribution measures taken .

¡ Selected bhatabhogike baraddaprapti price every month to provide karatabe one lump-sum withdrawals can also he determined the end of the uttolanakarabena ;

¡ Bhatagrahitara namini beneficiaries died prior to the due amount and the death of the three masaparyanta allowances takauttolana to be .  

সকল All Upazila Social Service Offices of Sylhet District .  













8 .

Indigent disability allowance activities

¡ Government by the social security for the fixed rate asacchalapratibandhi allowances paid. The order chosen people per capita monthly 300 / - Rs rate allowances paid to the .

¡ 6 years and above , all kinds of disabled persons in the elderly , or the Government of any allowance was not ; Who is not an employee or pensioner ;

¡ Disabled persons whose annual per capita family income of 4 , 000 / - ( twenty thousand ) worth less

¡ Have received , subject to a maximum of 3 months of the new beneficiaries elections allowance distribution measures taken .

¡ Selected bhatabhogike baraddaprapti price every month to provide karatabe one lump-sum withdrawals can also he determined the end of the uttolanakarabena ;


সকল All Upazila Social Service Offices in Sylhet District, City Social Service Offices in the case of Municipalities and City Corporation areas in Upazilas.      


9 .

Education stipend for students with disabilities

¡ Disabled Students 4 levels divided as follows: the rate scholarship offer : -

¡ Primary level ( 1st - 5th class ): Rs . 300 / - per person per month ;

¡ Secondary level ( 6th - 10th class ): Rs . 450 / - per person per month ;

¡ Higher secondary level ( eleventh and twelfth grade ): janapati monthly 600 / - Rs ;

¡ Higher level ( undergraduate and postgraduate ): per capita monthly 1 , 000 / - Rs ;

Government by the approved educational institutions studying the 5 -year- old urdhepratibandhi student - student , whose annual per capita household income 36 , 000 / - ( thirty-six thousand ) money down .

Distribution of stipends during the academic period including selection of new stipend recipients within a maximum of 3 months subject to receipt of allotment ;

সকল All Upazila Social Service Offices in Sylhet District, City Social Service Offices in the case of Municipalities and City Corporation areas in Upazilas.      


10 .

The honorarium allowance

প্রদান Payment of allowance at the rate fixed by the government . The order of the selected persons per monthly II , 000 / - Rs rate allowances paid to the .

¡ Freedom and freedom widow woman whose annual income 1 , 000 / - worth above it is not ;

¡ Freedom to nationally published 4 lists at least dutitalikaya include , Armed Forces Division and Bangladesh Rifles hateprapta The list of those names in there , or Liberation War Ministry by the Gazette, or Liberation bisayakamantranalayera by the publication in the Gazette or the freedom of the mantranalayerakartrka freedom accredited freedom .

¡ The operational non or partial performance / landless / unemployed / with counterpoise fighters priority will ;

¡ Have received , subject to a maximum of 6 months of the new beneficiaries elections pension distribution system adopted ;

¡ The honorarium per month, provided that is , if someone wants if more than one month, due allowance in conjunction lift can can .


¡ Sylhet district, the local social services office , upajelastha municipality and city corporation areas ksetrejelasamajaseba office    


 Orphaned , neglected , poor and vulnerable children's rights protection , feeding , welfare , development and rehabilitation


11 .

Government child paribareetima child rearing and rehabilitation  

¡ Under 18 years of age until the orphaned children's upbringing .

¡ Family environment, affection , love and affection yatenara with

   Orphaned children play .

¡ Education and vocational training provided .

¡ Inhabitants of the physical , intellectual and human development achieved .

¡ Rehabilitation and sbarnibharata achieve the aim of their employment

   Measures to be .

¡ 6 to 9-year- old orphan of the orphan, or the father - motherless poor child was admitted to the 18-year- old to the services provided to that .

¡ Children, family admission for the application forms received after the seats are empty on the subject to 1 month in the process curantakarana .

¡ Child age 18 years, the payarnta different types of services provided .

¡ District town is located 1 T Boys 1 Girl , a total of 02 new public children's families .


12 .

Child rearing and rehabilitation in Chhotamani Nibas

¡ Matrsnehe children's feeding , care , sports and general education provided .

¡ Father - maternal faceless or demanding wireless 0 - 7-year -old abandoned / kidnapping of the rescued children .

¡ Different sources to obtain father - maternal faceless or demanding wireless sisuderabisaye information received after the immediate and bhabhartira age 7 years full haoyaparyanta. 7 -year- old was the children's public child family sthanantara 18 -year- old to the service provided is .

Chhotamani Nibas

Bagbari , Sylhet




Endangered child protection activities

¡ Drop - in - Center ( night and diurnal ) to and consumption systems

সৃষ্টি Creating awareness among the public , social workers and children

¡ Children's mental development, for recreational activities

প্রাথমিক Primary education of the child

¡ Baby sbasthayaseba

¡ Baby mono - social advice and jibanadaksatamulaka training

¡ Vocational and skill development training for the child

¡ Baby punabasanera for the labor market survey

ব্যবস্থা Child employment ( paid and self-employment ) arrangements

প্রদান Provide legal assistance to the child

¡ Child development concerned parties in the network set up

¡ Child development advocacy

¡ Children, families and society reunification

A . Street laksyabhukta Children 's 6- to 18 -year-old child who

¡ Family without a lonely day and night in the streets , work in , and the way sleeps

কাজ Works on the streets day and night and sleeps on the streets with family

¡ On the street in the late -known people to back the

কাজ Works on the street and returns to family at the end of the day

B . Organization cherished child / parent of care to the deprived children

The street except that all children in public and private etimakhana , sarakariasrayakendra , safe home , development centers , residential seminary , etc. bibhinnapratisthane fed children , full-time work involved , dandapraptamatapitara to the prison, the sisuderakei parents, parents of care bancitabala is .

Up to the project period and up to 18 years of age of the child

¡ Picker project under the 02 t drop -in centers

1) Drop in Center ( Boys ), Kadamtali , Sylhet      

2) Drop in Center ( Girls ), Kadamtali , Sylhet     




Disabled persons rights protection , feeding , welfare , development and rehabilitation



Issuance of disability certificate

Issuance of disability certificate

People with disabilities

Within 1 day of application with necessary information

64 District Social Service Office



Educational activities for the visually impaired

¡ Visually impaired students a comprehensive general students with the formal education provided

¡ Visually impaired students of residential / non-residential accommodation arrangements and bear - bear

¡ Braille system, the education byabasthakarana

¡ Without their Braille books and other helpful educational materials provided

¡ Visually impaired students to stay - food storage facilities provide

¡ Visually impaired students rehabilitation .

Visually impaired students

¡ Application receipt 1 month in the admission process to the fulfillment

¡ Admission of the of the S- S -C test during the program, all the facilities provided

Sylhet Government Pilot High School , Kalighat , Sylhet








Conducting schools for the hearing impaired

¡ Hearing impaired student / chatrideraisara Language Education

¡ Hearing impaired student / students in general education

¡ Hearing impaired student / students of residential / non-residential opportunities , facilities provided

বিনামূল্যে Free admission for residential students - nurturing , vocational training

¡ Medical services , sports , entertainment systems to

¡ Hearing impaired student / students rehabilitation .


Hearing impaired children are aged 6 to 16 years

¡ Seat sunyasapekse application receiving the maximum of 1 month in the admission process to the fulfillment

¡ Admission of the S , S -C test of the institutional scope facilities provide

School for the Hearing Impaired

Sheikhghat , Sylhet



Probation and After Care Program


¡ Honorable court orders in the first and minor offenses punished byaktiderasasti provide suspended the prabhesana officer tattbabadhaneparibarika / social environment of the correction and self-purification systems to be .

¡ Detained persons Education obrttimulaka training provided .

¡ Convicted children in prison, not the teenage / adolescent development kendreprabesana Officer / Social Case Worker supervision Counseling eramadhyame child's mentality of development and correction .

¡ Task Force Committee, with the assistance of prison inmates Children Teenagers free and / teenage / adolescent development center move

¡ Released prisoners Skills Development Training

¡ Jail detainees convicted of women's conditions , subject to the release

¡ Release to prisoners / prabesanaradera social and arthanaitikabhare rehabilitation .

প্রবেশ Probationer / person convicted by the concerned court

¡ The touch asasisu / teenager .

¡ Death , to life imprisonment and sedition , explosives drabyaaina , Arms Act and drugs related laws punished women than 1 year, more than in any period karadandaprapta a woman who reyatasaha percent to 50 percent of imprisonment suffered made .

¡ Wise court by the prescribed deadline / given orders

¡ Rehabilitate the offender correction and rehabilitation association / local / saharasamajaseba of Project Implementation Committee approved the receipt of the 0 days in .

¡ Entering office , the District Commissioner 's Office , Sylhet

¡ All the local social welfare office ( Sadar Upazila excluding )

¡ City Social Service Office , Stadium Gate , Sylhet


Hospital social service activities

¡ Hospital admission and treatment in getting assistance from the guidance provided ;  

¡ Poor and vulnerable patients, medicine , blood , patha , cloth , glasses , crutches , artificial limbs and also in several bikitsa content that provide :

প্রদান Provide assistance to poor and helpless patients for necessary examination and medical expenses ;

¡ Poor and vulnerable patients, if necessary , nutritious drink supply ;

¡ Demanding wireless and abandoned children's rehabilitation ;

¡ Disease due to family and unexpected the sufferings jibanayapanakaridera normal life, return assistance provided to ;

¡ Poor and helpless elderly / pratibandhibyaktidera treatment ksetreagradhikara provide and Social Welfare Department conducted institution enrollment suyogakare given ;

¡ Hospital, the patients, the heart of the entertainment system is ;

সহায়তা Assist in transferring the patient to another hospital / medical center in need of treatment ;

¡ Patients, health / primary treatment on the advice provided ;

¡ Serious illness , operation , etc., the mentally disturbed patient or the patient's guardian courage and comfort fit ;  

¡ Name of the faceless poor deceased person's funeral arrangements made ;

¡ Disease release the poor and the helpless patients in need of financial assistance / transportation fares paid by the family punahekatrikarane support is .



Troubled helpless and poor patients

Helpless and poor patients identified as or individual application to the instant bhabesanslista doctor's recommendation means the required treatment in order prayojaniyacikitsa services provided .

Sylhet M , A , G Osmani Medical College Hospital , Sylhet


Training and rehabilitation center for socially handicapped girls

¡ Law enforcement agency by the rescued , forced and prataranaramadhyame several brothels and other places sexual engage children , adolescents otarunidera maintenance and security for the shelter

¡ Survivors treatment , education , training and human development in the economic and social rehabilitation measures to

¡ Anti-social and inhuman sexual harmful aspects of public awareness

¡ Forced yaunacare forced not to be the man of the social movements

¡ Sexual employed , those aged 16 years and above are those existing sisuniryatana Suppression Act 000 and the Bengal stroller Act 1943 and other sanslistaaina erabidhana in accordance with the various brothels and other places to the rescue  

¡ True guardians , close relatives or other reliable samajahitaisi / social worker from the reclaimed yeinakarmira security , maintenance - the entertainers , self-employment , marriage and economic - social rehabilitation

¡ Center manager and Case Worker recommendations and kendrerabyabasthapana Committee approval detainees legal guardian's custody release .

Society , the culture , religious feelings and morality against the oyaunakarmera with the young / teenage girls or those samajikapratibandhi as a familiar .

¡ Self-employment opportunities created not only is the

¡ Marriage through the rehabilitation of the system will not be until

¡ Reliable relative, family / legal guardian's custody hantantarera east to .

Training and rehabilitation center for socially handicapped girls

Khadimnagar , Sylhet



Women and children in juvenile secure hephajatidera housing ( Safe Home )

¡ Secure residential facility maintenance - opinion

¡ Education , vocational training

প্রদান Provide healthcare , recreation and rehabilitation assistance

Bicaradhinamahila and girls whose court of the safe home safe custody of orders received has been



Bagbari , Sylhet




Conduct regional training centers

Training on implementation of activities of the department

¡ Organization management and service management -related training ,  

¡ 'S office Management Training

¡ Financial and administrative rules - Provisions of the theoretical and engineering aspects of the training

¡ Computer training ;

¡ English- language skill development training ;

¡ Trainees housing , food and library systems

¡ Social adhidaphataradhina 3rd and 4th class of all employees

পেশাদার Professional social workers of various private organizations .

¡ Training courses according to the 7 , 10 , 14 , 1 and 30 days long

¡ Morning, 09 : 00 o'clock in the afternoon, 05 : 00 o'clock till

Regional Training Center

Bagbari , Sylhet



Socio - economic and skills development training at the city social services office

¡ Computer

¡ Mobile phone servicing

¡ Electrical repairs

¡ Radio - TV Repair

¡ Fridge - AC repair

বিজ্ঞান Tailor science

¡ Emabrayadari

¡ Batik and block

Etc. provide training in trade .

Educated , semi- educated unemployed youth and young women in urban areas

Seat empty with respect to the application with the to and admission to the course, depending on 3 - 6 months until

City Social Service Office , Stadium Gate , Sylhet



Supervision of registration of voluntary social welfare organizations

¡ Voluntary social welfare organization, naming carapatra provided ;

¡ 1961, the Voluntary Welfare Organizations ( Registration and Control ) Ordinance II ( f ) section described the service activities agrahisanstha / institutions / organizations / non-governmental orphanages / Club registration ;

¡ Register to obtain the organization's constitution or amended constitution approved , the General and Executive Council approval ;

¡ Registered organization karyaelaka multiple districts sampraranera approval ;

¡ Register to obtain organizations against the brought charges Settlement measures taken ;

Supervise the activities of registered organizations .

Organizations , institutions , clubs , organizations , associations etc. interested in voluntary social welfare activities .

¡ Registration required documents application receipt of the 0 Action Day ;

¡ The clearance required documents along with the application receiving the 7 Action Day ;

¡ Executive Committee approved the required documents application receipt of the 10 Action Day ;

¡ 30 working days after receipt of application along with necessary documents for expansion of work area ;

¡ Grievance Redressal 30 working days after receiving the complaint ;

¡ District Social Service Office through the concerned social service officer primarily for services like name clearance , registration , approval of executive committee , etc .;

¡ More than one district, the business area of expansion for the Social Welfare Department Headquarters Office ;

সংশ্লিষ্ট District Social Service Office and Head Office concerned for disposal of complaints .



Providing capitation grant in private orphanages

¡ 18 years until the orphaned children's upbringing

¡ Affection - the love and affection - yatenara with rear discharge

¡ Formal education and vocational training provided

¡ Physical , intellectual , and human advances made

সহায়তা Assist in the full development of the child

¡ Rehabilitation and self-sufficiency to achieve the aim of their employment arrangements made .

Pet Orphanage 5 - 9 -year- old orphan of the orphan or orphan and poor children of the 50 percent of children .

6 months after receiving the application for capitation grant from a private orphanage .

Private orphanages in the district through concerned Upazila Social Service Offices and City Social Service Offices  



Assistance in providing grants to registered organizations through the Social Welfare Council  

¡ Social Services Department of the declared national -level institutions anudanapradanabarsika 50 thousand to a maximum of two million rupees ;

সর্বোচ্চ Maximum grant of Rs. 1 lakh to the City Social Development Project Coordinating Council

¡ Patients' Welfare Association of the order of 50 thousand of the two million rupees grant ;

¡ Criminal correction and rehabilitation association of the order of 50 thousand to 1 million rupees grant

¡ Registered voluntary organizations in income generating programs for the donations

¡ Registered voluntary organizations for the 5 thousand of the 0 hajarataka general donations and income generating program for a maximum of 1 million takaanudana ;

¡ Institution / organization / agency / teen : sthabyaktidera the top 5 of the grant ;

¡ Sudden accident or a natural disaster for the people to a maximum of 1 thousand rupees .

Social Welfare Council from the following institutions / organizations grants provided that either : -

¡ National -level voluntary organization

¡ City Social Development Project Coordinating Council

¡ Patient Welfare Association

¡ Criminal correction and Rehabilitation Association

¡ Nibanadhana obtain general voluntary organization

¡ Various religious institutions

¡ Poor / affected persons

¡ Social Welfare Council, each year, agastamase national daily newspaper notice of appeal to that .

By December 8, the District and Upazila Social Welfare Council selected the application and sent the recommendation to the National Social Welfare Council .

¡The National Social Welfare Council takes the final decision in this regard .

¡ Social Welfare Council is an organization under the Ministry of Social Welfare . The activities of the council at the field level are of the Department of Social Services

Local social service and city social services office and district social welfare office, the implementation is .



Voluntary organization / institution of the connection with development activities conducted

¡ Helpless and destitute patients rights, protection , welfare and rehabilitation assistance provided ;

¡ That all the institutions of society, backward backward , neglected , orphaned , disabled , destitute , disadvantaged persons serving with the remains of their prakalpapranayane assistance provided :

¡ Similar project approval, hoping Agency appropriate support provided ;

প্রদান Provide free medical services to 30 % of the patients through the concerned hospital in case of approved project ;

¡ Free destitute , orphans , disabled byaktiderapratyasi agencies through the feeding and rehabilitation .

¡ Private voluntary organization of social engineering programs with the involvement ;

¡ Sbasthaseba provider institutions, especially the diabetic , heart , eye , disabled persons for the service providing institutions ;

¡ Recidivist adolescents - girls and orphaned children in the nurture observing voluntary organizations ;

¡ Private voluntary organizations and the poor troubling , the disabled , people / children and patients .

¡ Organization as a social welfare department in connection with a joint venture sebapradanamulaka institutions making for the rules in accordance with the DPP submitted after 1 year .

¡ Project Infrastructure of the poor masses kalyanebesarakari institutions through the service received immediately .

National Heart Foundation Hospital , Shahi Eidgah , Sylhet





















Contact for complaints or information : -

No service about the information received or appropriate service is available when or konaabhiyoga if the jananorajanya the following officers to communicate karatehabe :

§ Initial stage : Head of concerned institution / office ;       

§ Second stage : Deputy Director of the concerned district ;       

§ Third stage :       

Director ( Administration and Finance ), Phone + 8026116062

Director ( Activities ), Phone + 802912692

Director ( Institution ), Phone + 6026112294

§ The fourth stage :       

Director General , Department of Social Services

E- 8 / B 1 , Agargaon , Sher-e- Bengali Nagar , Dhaka - 1207