At a Glance Laharkandi Union:
S/l No |
Name |
Description |
01. |
Name of Union |
15 No Laharkandi Union Parishad |
02. |
Union size : |
4658.62 acres |
03. |
Union Boundaries: : |
Dhaka-Lakshmipur Highway on the north, Bhabaniganj Union No. 17 on the south, Laxmipur Municipality on the west and Mandari Union No. 14 on the east, Bhabaniganj Union on the east. |
04. |
Population :
42256 persons. Male-21105 persons and females 21152 persons. (According to the 2010 census) |
05 |
Number of voters:: |
All total of 1982 people. Male-10062 and female-9700. |
06. |
Manpower:: |
Chairman, 9 members, 3 reserved women members. UP secretary, 1 Dafadar and 8 mahalladars. |
07 |
Number of Villages : |
13 (For example: 01. Atiatli 02. Safipur 03. Laharkandi 4. Habibpur (Enayetpur) 05. Talhati 08. Kumidpur 08. Abir Nagar 08. West Syedpur 09. Chadkhali 10. Ramanandi 11. Kutubpur 12. Eidurli 13. |
08 |
Number of Moujas: |
13 Such as: (Atiatali, Safipur, Laharkandi, Habibpur, (Enayetpur) Talhati, Kumidpur, Abirnagar, West Syedpur, Chadkhali, Ramanandi, Kutubpur, Idilpur). |
09 |
Number of Family : |
6222। |
10 |
Number of Hat Bazar: |
03 1) Joxin South Bazar, 2) Chandkhali Bazar 3) Kumidpur Bazar. |
11 |
N.G.O`s : |
NRDS, BRAC, Grameen Bank, Soperate, Vosad, Asha, Al-Ehsan Cooperative Society Ltd. |
12 |
Educational Instutation: |
Secondary and higher secondary schools: 1. Chandkhali Multipurpose High School, 2. Baishmara Model Academy, Dakhil Madrasas: 1. Chandkhali Islamia Dakhil Madrasa, 2. Khajurtali Sultania Dakhil Madrasa, 3. Abirnagar Mahmudia Dakhil Madrasa, Government Primary Schools: 1. Atiatali Government Primary School, 2. Talhati Government Primary School, 3. Abir Nagar Government Primary School, 4. P. Syedpur Government Primary School, 5. Chandkhali Government Primary School, 6. South Chandkhali Government Primary School. North Chandkhali Government Primary School, 6. Khajur Tali Government Primary School, 9. , Kutubpur Government Primary School.
13 |
literacy rate: |
76% |
14 |
Number of Mosque : |
51 |
15 |
Number of mandir : |
01 |
16 |
Government Office : |
Union Parishad, Union Land Office, Post Office, Union Agriculture Office, Union Health and Union Family Planning Office, Union Fisheries and Animal Resources, Union Information and Service Center, Kazi Office, Education, Union Community Clinic. |
17 |
Paved road:: |
20 km |
18 |
Raw road: : |
55 km |
19 |
Brick Soling:: |
10 km |
20 |
Amount of agricultural land: : |
2632.6 acres. The amount of one crop land is 290 acres, the amount of two crop land is 1920 acres and the amount of three crop land is 422.6 acres.
21 |
Bridge culvert: |
9 bridges. 108 culverts. |
22 |
Tube well:: |
139 deep tube wells, 6 shallow tube wells. |
23 |
Official Pond : |
Nill |
24 |
Health Community : |
1. 05 community clinics, 2. Laharkandi Health and Family Welfare Center.
25 |
Community based organizations: : |
1. Laharkandi I, P, M Club 2. Laharkandi Blood Bank
26 |
Village court management : |
2 days a week. Mon Bar and Thursday Bar. |
27 |
Monthly Meetings: |
25th of every month (next working day if there is a public holiday) |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS