Laharakandi union , the town 's close union . According to the municipality, the formation of the first of the district, city laharakandi Union included was .
Municipal formation of this union, the scope of the decline is . . There are Rahmatkhali canal , Wapdar canal and a few more branch canals in this union . Literacy rate is about 45 %, of the total 13 seats short of villages of the union formed .
Gramagulora Most people practice agriculture job is. In addition, and some of the people teaching , business , public service , dinamujura etc. profession engaged in. Farmers in most of the season during the harvest phaliye jibika executing said. E.g. , paddy , jute , etc. The vegetable cultivation in the main the cucumbers. Cucumbers produced in this union are exported to different districts of the country . Earlier this union literacy rate low if you and the education rate of the day is increasing .
Language in the direction of this region, people in the district and regional languages are used , and if .
This Union a significant number of young class, poultry and layer farms encouraged added. Coconut , betel nut , and anyanya crops in this Union a large amount generated is .
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS