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Communication system

Communication system: -

Distance of Union Parishad from Laxmipur Sadar Upazila is 6 km .

Head of the rickshaw addition , C, N , G- plus , and many in the union council to be .

On the Union transportation systems -

Rickshaw - rental rates - 60 - 70 rupees ( four each )    

C , N , G - rental rates - 50 - 60 rupees ( four each )


Travel information from Laharkandi Union to different villages


From Parishad Bhaban to Chandkhali Bazar -

Rickshaw = 10 - 15 rupees ( per person )

C N G = 5 - 10 rupees ( four each )


Council building from Joxin Bazar -

Rickshaw = 15 - 0 rupees ( four each )

C, N, G = 10 - 15 rupees ( one each ) .


Parishad to Kumidpur Bazar -


Rickshaw = 35 - 40 rupees ( one each )

C, N, G = 5 - 30 rupees ( one each ) .

Walk Market -

15, No. laharakandi Union a total of 3 new markets are .


01 ) jakasina Market - laharakandi Union and the North East corner is located . Laharakandi local inhabitants for the gurutbapurna a bajaraparisada from the distance of 4 km .


02 ) Chandkhali Bazar - The only market in the middle of Laharkandi Union . All rural people shopping here since the thakenaparisada from the distance of two kilometers .


03 ) kumidapura Market - laharakandi union of all the western corner is located . Its distance from Union Parishad is 09 km .